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I write songs and perform both original songs and covers.
I've also released music under my drag name Hurricane Kimchi and it is available on most music streaming and downloading platforms.

Single Covers

Hurricane Kimchi - Hurricane (Music Video)

Hurricane Kimchi - Hurricane (Music Video)

EDM장르의 곡을 쓰게 되리라고 생각해 본 적은 없었지만, 제가 한참 클럽들로 매주 출근하듯 놀러 다니던 2010년대에 인기 있던 팝 음악들이 EDM의 영향을 많이 받았었고, 저는 또 거기에 영향을 많이 받았다는 사실을 감안하면 놀라운 일은 아니긴 해요. 😛 신나는 댄스 곡을 만들고자 노력했는데, 또 동시에 스스로에 대한 자신감을 가지고 타인, 사회, 그 밖의 많은 것들로부터 오는 괴롭힘을 이겨내자는 중요한 메시지를 담고 싶었어요. 💪🏼💃🏻 우리 모두 더위도, 코로나19고, 사회의 편견도, 나를 괴롭히는 적들의 공격도 모두 걷어차 버리시고 꿋꿋하고 멋있게 살아보아요. 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼💖💕 사운드 엔지니어: B. A. Wheeler 싱글 커버 포토그래피: 김무냥 'Hurricane' 싱글과 뮤직비디오 작업은 비온뒤무지개재단 이반시티퀴어문화기금의 지원을 받아 진행되었어요! I previously never really thought I'd end up writing and releasing an EDM song but here we are. Actually it's not much of a surprise if you consider the fact that I used to go clubbing and partying a lot in the 2010s when pop hits were greatly influenced by EDM musicians and DJs. 😜 So I wanted to encourage and inspire people so they can find & put their confidence on and overcome difficulties, while making the song fancy and fun at the same time. 💪🏼💃🏻 Let's try and live our best lives despite the heat and humidity of summer, COVID-19, hate coming from other people's insecurities and ignorance, society's norms and prejudices, etc. 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼💖💕 Sound engineering by B. A. Wheeler Cover photography by Moon Young-min aka Kim Moonyang Single 'Hurricane' and its video were produced with the help of Queer Culture Grant from Ivancity and Beyond The Rainbow Foundation! Watch my other music videos. 👀 Seoul: Stronger Than You Think: Morning Coffee: For more music, drag, art, and LGBTQ+ news and information, follow me on social media. 💥 Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Website:
Hurricane Kimchi - Seoul (Music Video)

Hurricane Kimchi - Seoul (Music Video)

I wrote this one about a year ago, but the production has been finished only recently, and finally now I get to share it with you, along with this music video! I've lived my whole life in Seoul. As mentioned in the song, Seoul has fine dust problems and my life in it has been pretty messy, but I embrace all of that and I'm sing about my home. 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼 The song is available for streaming and downloading pretty much everywhere too! Many thanks to EVERYONE who supports me and my art! 🎬 Music video by Jay Joo aka Indieframe. 🙇🏻‍♂️ My buddy Ella was the best assistant one could wish for, during the video shoot, and drag queen Jungle's cameo really brought fun energy & fantastic visuals to the video. 🎸 B. A. Wheeler not only recorded, mixed, and mastered this song, but also made the music with me. 일 년 전에 쓴 곡인데 최근에야 제작을 마쳐서 이제야 뮤직비디오와 함께 여러분과 공유하게 되네요! 저는 만 삽십 평생을 서울에서 살아온 서울 토박이인데요, 때로는 서울에서 예술 한다고 버티는 제 경제력이나 정신 상태가 엉망이기도 하고, 서울의 대기 상태야 미세먼지 때문에 늘 엉망이고... 그럼에도 불구하고 저한테 서울은 집같은 편안함과 + 계속되는 파티같은 즐거움을 주는 도시인 것 같아요. 그런 마음을 담아 썼읍니다. 제 곡들은 모두 국내 및 해외 음원 사이트들에서 스트리밍 하시거나 다운받으실 수 있답니다. 음악도 뮤직비디오도 즐겁게 감상하셨으면 좋겠어요! 😄 Watch my other music videos. 👀 Stronger Than You Think: Morning Coffee: For more music, drag, art, and LGBTQ+ news and information, follow me on social media. 💥 Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Website:

Music Videos & Lyric Videos

Performances Videos

You may watch more videos on my YouTube Channel.

  • Hurricane Kimchi's YouTube Channel

Contact Heezy

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For journalism, business discussions, and inquiries on purchasing art,

contact me via E-mail, instead of messaging on social media.

© 2024 Heezy Yang

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